Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook: Jail Ministry and the Literacy Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program We host a Family Literacy Program where inmates read books to their children and a CD and book are mailed to the child to keep and to listen to over and over! The program teaches more than reading skills, it helps in parenting, ESL, communications and in reconnecting families We are looking for more volunteers. No experience needed! Here is a link to a story on NPR about a program like ours.
According to the Department of Justice, there are more than 700,000 state and federal prisoners that are parents. A majority of those parents say they've never had a personal visit with their children since they were imprisoned. ...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

News Channel 34: Dining For Dollars article

Up To The Minute News
Local Clergy Serves Benefit Dinner
Last Update: 2/23 12:06 pm

From the Broome County Council of Churches:
Local clergy will be serving dinner and entertaining at the 5th annual "Dining for Dollars- A Clergy Server Night" on March 18th, 2010, to benefit the Faith in Action Volunteers, a program of the Broome County Council of Churches. Clergy have volunteered as servers and entertainers for the event, to be held at 6:00 p.m., at the Polish Community Center at 347 Prospect St. in Binghamton. Attendees are urged to bring dollar bills and tip their pastors for their services. All tips and proceeds from the dinner will support the Faith in Action Volunteers program, which provides services to the infirm and elderly in Broome County.
Reservations are required by Thursday, March 4th. For information and reservations, call the Council of Churches at 724-9130 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

News Article: 2/23/10

Clergy to serve dinner to help volunteers

February 23, 2010, 7:00 am

Clergy will serve dinner at the annual “Dining for Dollars — A Clergy Server Night” to benefit Faith in Action Volunteers, a program of the Broome County Council of Churches. The family-style dinner will start with a social hour at 6 p.m. March 18 at the Polish Community Center, 347 Prospect St., Dickinson.

The dinner is $25 per person with reservations required by March 4 by calling (607) 724-9130 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Entertainment will include the Binghamton University Jazz Ensemble directed by Mike Carbone. Parishioners are encouraged to bring cash to tip their pastors, who will serve tables.

Press Release 2-22-10: Dining for Dollars Event


Binghamton, N.Y., Feb. 22, 2010 . . . . . Local clergy will serve dinner and entertain at the 5th Annual “Dining for Dollars - A Clergy Server Night” on March 18, 2010, to benefit the Faith in Action Volunteers, a program of the Broome County Council of Churches.

Clergy have volunteered as servers and entertainers for the event, to be held at 6 p.m., Thursday, March 18, at the Polish Community Center, 347 Prospect St., Binghamton. Attendees are urged to bring dollar bills and tip their pastors for their services. All tips and proceeds from the dinner will support the Faith in Action Volunteers program, which provides services to the infirm and elderly in Broome County.

“Faith in Action Volunteers provide assistance to the frail, elderly and disabled populations,” said Joanne Kays, Faith in Action Volunteers program director. “Our 300 volunteer caregivers provide non-medical services to over 400 frail, elderly and disabled care receivers. They assist with non-medical tasks, such as transportation and household chores, which enables our clients to maintain the dignity of living independently.”

The clergy scheduled to work as servers on March 18 include: Fr. Matt Brown, Fr. John Donovan, Fr. Corey VanKuren, Fr. Jim Dutko, Rev. Patricia Raube, Rev. Andrew Morrison, Fr. Clarence Cerwonka, Rev. Art Suggs, Rev. Monica Stryon, Rev. Tony Hipes, Fr. John Martinichio, Fr. Timothy Taugher, Rev. James Walck and Deacon Edward Blaine.

Social hour is 6 p.m. followed by the family-style dinner. Entertainment includes the Binghamton University Jazz ensemble under the direction of Mike Carbone. Cost of the dinner is $25 a person.

Reservations are required by Thursday, March 4. For information and reservations, call the Council of Churches at 724-9130 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Council Of Churches Proud Of 2009

Council Of Churches Proud Of 2009
By WBNG News
Story Created: Feb 21, 2010 at 6:16 PM EST
Story Updated: Feb 21, 2010 at 6:48 PM EST

Endicott, NY (WBNG Binghamton) - Despite a tough economy, the Broome County Council of Churches was able to feed the need in 2009.

The State of the Council speech was given today at the First Presbyterian Church in Endicott.
It recapped 2009's accomplishments, and touched on how to grow in the future.

The organization fed 30% more people in 2009 than in 2008 through the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse, or CHOW campaign.

Almost 200 volunteers came together to build 13 wheel chair ramps in the community.

It also grew a vegetable garden in the Town of Union, to feed the hungry with fresh local food.

"This year, we're looking to continue that, we're not looking to expand it much further, but we didn't start some really good initiatives which we're hoping to continue through next year," said Joe Sellepack, Executive Director of Broome County Council of Churches.

The Council of Churches has rented flood plain land in Conklin to use in 2010.
Businesses can donate money to the council, which will be used to buy a produce tree on the farm.

For more information on how to help you can call the Broome County Council of Churches at (607) 724 - 9130.

In Sunday's Paper: Council of Churches elects 2

Council of Churches elects 2
The Broome County Council of Churches’ Board of Directors elected two new board members at a Jan. 28 meeting.

They are Rich Grant, a member of the Blakely, Pa., Primitive Methodist Church and Todd Eames, a member of Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church in Vestal. Terms of office are three years. Eames is filling the unexpired term of Raymond Osterhout, who recently died.

Officers elected at the meeting are: Susan Burtis, president; Patrick Regan, first vice president; Jennifer Cubic, second vice president; Cindy Burger, secretary; and Larry Denniston, treasurer.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Promo for Spring Craft Fair

WBNG: Spring Craft Show

Springtime Craft Show at Binghamton University

By WBNG Production

Event Details

Date: March 20, 2010

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm

Location: Binghamton University's West Gym


Child Price: 12 and Under free of charge

Adult Price: $3

Organization: G & H Promotions

Event Description

Arts and Crafts ShowOver 140 Craft Booths

A Food Donation for CHOW is Appreciated

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Empty Bowls for CHOW

Empty Bowls for CHOW

Make art and fight hunger at the same time! Join SUNY CHOW as we glaze bowls and eat soup while helping CHOW. Glaze bowls for free at the Clay Ground Feb. 26-28, and buy bowls and eat soup on March 14. Proceeds will go to CHOW to help the local fight against hunger, and the bowl you take home will serve as a reminder of all the empty bowls of the hungry around the world. For more information or to help out, contact

Broome County Council of Churches to sponsor Lenten Services

Council to sponsor Lenten services

Broome County Council of Churches will hold community mid-week services at noon Wednesdays during Lent starting Ash Wednesday.

The services, which are open to the public, will be held at Holy Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 312 E Main St in Endicott.

The Rev. Joseph Sellepack, executive director of the council, is scheduled to lead the Ash Wednesday service.

A lunch will be served for a nominal fee at the church hall after the services.

This article appeared in the Press & Sun Bulletin on February 13, 2010.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Facebook: 3 events listed today on facebook

The Broome County Council of Churches

The Broome County Council of Churches Middle school band to aid food bank - Band members from sixth through eighth grade are holding a food drive contest to deliver goods for the Southern Tier Food Bank's backpack program. The program provides food for underprivileged students who may go hungry outside of school. The food drive will run from the February 9 to the 23.

The Broome County Council of Churches

The Broome County Council of Churches Lincoln birthday party planned St. Andrew’s Anglican Church will hold a birthday party for President and First Lady Lincoln at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at 1013 Front St. in Vestal. The program is free, but contributions will be accepted for Civil War Preservation Trust and the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse.

The Broome County Council of Churches

The Broome County Council of Churches Great event coming up at BU.

Facebook: Jail Ministry and the Dream Center

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program The Dream Center, a partner agency with the program, is announcing the start of the J.U.M.P. support group, beginning March 7th for youth with an incarcerated parent.
Home|About|Resources 6-8|Resources 9-12|Career Center|Center Links|Programs|Contact|Shift|Get Involved

Faith in Action Volunteers

Healthier Lifestyle Mentoring Coordinator Marsha Bailey is partnering with Binghamton University Scholars culinary class students to prepare a healthy snack for elderly and disabled folks at area senior housing complexes.

Dining for Dollars – Thursday, March 18, Polish Community Center. Reserve by March 4th for dinner served by Pastors in Action for Faith in Action. Clergy will also sing for tips!

Joanne has begun initial discussions to increase program partnership with Rural Health Network.

Ramp It Up 2010 - Plans are underway to build wheel chair ramps May through August. You can help by:
Participate in Buy A Nail – nails will be delivered to congregations. Donate $5 per nail to help defray costs of the program.
Teams are needed – register youth group teams through by March 1st.
Joanne giving FIA/Ramp presentation at Nimmonsburg Rotary on March 5th.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

News10Now: Backpack Program

in case you aren't aware, every month we have volunteers stuff these backpacks in the chow warehouse for children in our area. it's a great program!

look on the google calendar for dates and then sign up to volunteer :)

Middle school band to aid food bank

By: Web Staff

VESTAL, N.Y. -- As instruments work together to create harmony in a concert, so too, are the musicians using them at Vestal Middle School.

Band members from sixth through eighth grade are holding a food drive contest to deliver goods for the Southern Tier Food Bank's backpack program. The program provides food for underprivileged students who may go hungry outside of school.

Organizers hope the event will help the youngster's develop a social conscience while adding to the bank's pantry.

"They are definitely asked to be participating in that. We do receive over half of our food from donations so this is a huge benefit for us to have any school group or any group to do a donation for us," said organizer Jennifer Bertron.

The food drive will run from the February 9 to the 23. Program volunteers helped kick off the drive with an information session and food bank jeopardy.

Press & Sun Bulletin: Lincoln's Birthday

February 8, 2010

Lincoln birthday party planned

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church will hold a birthday party for President and First Lady Lincoln at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at 1013 Front St. in Vestal.

Abe and Mary Todd Lincoln, who are portrayed by David and Eileen Patch of Endwell, will relate experiences of their lives, including the Civil War.

The program is free, but contributions will be accepted for Civil War Preservation Trust and the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Facebook: Cris Mogenson's speaking engagement

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program Chaplain Cris Mogenson is speaking at the Prisoner Support Network Meeting at the Cyber Cafe in Binghamton on Sunday 2/7/10 at 5:30 P.M.

Facebook : New Volunteer for Celebrate Recovery

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program A new volunteer has joined the ranks this week who is working at starting a new partner Celebrate Recovery group in the Tri-Cities which ex-offenders would be encouraged to attend. If you are interested in this participating with this much needed ministry please call Chaplain Cris at 607-778-6518

Friday, February 5, 2010

Twitter: CHOW Chili Championship

Deacon Ed BlaineDcEdBlaine Accepting registrations for the Great NYS Chili Championship May 1.

Facebook: CHOW Shelves

The Broome County Council of Churches

The Broome County Council of Churches This new album shows the needs in our CHOW Warehouse. When an area shelf is fully stocked, it can all be distributed to our pantries within a week or two. If you would like to help, with food or financially, go to our website at:
HOPE needs: We have a real need for size 3, 4, 5, 6 diapers. Other things needed include shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, maxi pads, shaving cream. (UNOPENED items only please.)

Ramp It Up 2010

We have received 20 applications for ramps to date. Greg and Joanne will be anxiously awaiting AmeriCorps applications. There are two part time positions available for the spring and summer. Applicants should visit AmeriCorps information and application.

Memorial for Raymond L Osterhout, Jr.

Raymond L. Osterhout Jr.Philanthropist
A Memorial service for Raymond L. Osterhout Jr. will be held at the Windsor United Methodist Church, 56 Chapel St., Windsor, NY 13865, on February 14th; Masonic Service to begin at 1:30 p.m. with the Memorial Service following at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be sent to the United Methodist Church, Windsor.

Published in Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin from February 5 to February 7, 2010
Ray Osterhout was a member of the Board of Directors, a Lives of Commitment honoree and has served on our Development Committee.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Facebook: Jail Ministry Reentry Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program The Windor Bible Baptist Church has opened their doors to our reenty program in welcoming our released folks to a new Celebrate Recovery group which meets weekly every Thursday at 7:00 PM

WBNG: 2010 annual meeting

Broome County Council of Chambers to Hold Annual Meeting

The Broome County Council of Churches will hold its 2010 annual meeting at 2:00pm on Sunday, February 21st, at First Presbyterian Church at 29 Grand Avenue in Endicott. The Rev. Janice Devine, co-pastor, will provide the homily, and the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sellepack, executive director of the Council of Churches, will give the state of the Council. A worship service will begin at 2:00pm, followed by a business meeting and fellowship gathering. Light refreshments will be served.

View Article Here

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Press Release: Annual Meeting



Binghamton, N.Y., Feb. 3, 2010 . . . . . The Broome County Council of Churches will hold its 2010 annual meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, February 21, at First Presbyterian Church, 29 Grant Ave., Endicott.

The Rev. Janice Devine, co-pastor, will provide the homily, and the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sellepack, executive director of the Council of Churches, will give the state of the Council.

A worship service will begin at 2 p.m., followed by a business meeting and fellowship gathering. Light refreshments will be served.

Press & Sun : Council of Churches elects board members

February 2, 2010
Council of Churches elects board members

The Broome County Council of Churches’ Board of Directors elected two new board members at a Jan. 28 meeting.

They are Rich Grant, a member of the Blakely, Pa., Primitive Methodist Church and Todd Eames, a member of Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church in Vestal. Terms of office are three years. Eames is filling the unexpired term of Raymond Osterhout, who recently died.

Officers elected at the meeting are: Susan Burtis, president; Patrick Regan, first vice president; Jennifer Cubic, second vice president; Cindy Burger, secretary; and Larry Denniston, treasurer.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Press Release: Lenten Services


Binghamton, N.Y., Feb. 2, 2010 . . . . . The Broome County Council of Churches will sponsor mid-week Lenten services at noon on Wednesdays, beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17, at Holy Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 312 E. Main St., Endicott.

Guest clergy will conduct the services each week. The Rev. Dr. Joseph Sellepack, executive director of the Council of Churches, is scheduled to lead the service on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010.

A light lunch will be provided for a nominal fee in the church hall after services. All in the community are welcome, and the facilities are handicapped-accessible.

For more information, call the Council of Churches at 724-9130, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Press Release: Council Elects New Board Members


Binghamton, N.Y., Feb. 1, 2010 . . . . . The Board of Directors of the Broome County Council of Churches elected two new board members at a directors meeting on Jan. 28.

They are: Rich Grant, a member of Blakely, Pa., Primitive Methodist Church, and Todd Eames, a member of Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vestal. Terms of office are for three years. Mr. Eames is filling the unexpired term of Raymond Osterhout, who died recently.

Officers elected at the meeting are: Susan Burtis, president; Patrick Regan, first vice president; Jennifer Cubic, second vice president; Cindy Burger, secretary; and Larry Denniston, treasurer.

Ramp it Up article in Sunday's paper

January 31, 2010

Volunteers to construct ramps for the disabled
Ramp It Up 2010 to begin in May

Volunteers are expected to build as many as 15 wheelchair ramps this summer for Broome County residents who need handicapped accessibility at their homes.

Ramp It Up 2010, sponsored by the Broome County Council of Churches, will take applications until March 1 from families who want to be considered for a free wheelchair ramp.

"The need for ramps in the community is greater than what we can handle," said Greg Jenkins, volunteer/facilities manager of the council. "We do what we can."

Still, roughly 110 volunteers from church and community youth groups built 13 ramps last summer, which was the first Ramp It Up program. Adult mentors worked side-by-side with the youth.

Each ramp will be built during a weekend from May through August, said Jenkins.
The cost will be covered by a variety of sources, including the Council of Churches, local businesses and nonprofit organizations.
"Some members of these families probably hadn't been out of their homes in years," said Joanne Kays, director of the council's Faith in Action Volunteers Program.

Anyone who needs a wheelchair ramp may apply, said Jenkins. Applications will be reviewed and ramps built based on the needs of the applicant.

Go online to for an application and other information about the program.

Volunteers are needed, said Jenkins. The council's Web site also has information to register as a volunteer team.

Applications and volunteer information is also available by calling Kays at (607) 724-9130 ext. 304 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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