Choruses sought for benefit concert
March 29, 2010, 7:04 am
Church choruses interested in performing in a benefit concert to support the wheelchair ramp program of the Broome County Council of Churches are asked to call Judy Mica Guerin at (607) 724-9130 between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Email can also be sent to
The second annual Festival of Hope concert is scheduled for 2 p.m. May 16 at Conklin Presbyterian Church. A freewill offering will be received.
Our Council Happenings Blog is a way to stay updated on all things happening at the Broome County Council of Churches. Keep up-to-date on any news articles, current fundraisers and even hear from our staff on occasion!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Press & Sun: CHOW Looking for Chefs
CHOW seeks chefs to make chili dishes
March 30, 2010, 7:04 am
CHOW is looking for local chefs to participate in the annual New York State Chili Championship from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 1 at Binghamton University.
Last year, 19 cooks competed in the event sponsored by the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse of the Broome County Council of Churches. Judges will select three cooks to compete in an international competition in Texas later this year.
For information, call (607) 724-9130 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays or register online at
Facebook and Twitter: CHOW Orchard 3-30-10
FOX 40 News WICZ-TV CHOW in Broome county is trying to get an orchard planted right here in Conklin to benefit our community. They need all the votes they can get. Go to and follow the links to NY to place your vote.
Where do you live? Enter your 5-digit zip code to access the site.
Council Theme Song
Here is the song we came up with at the Staff Retreat last Friday. Greg came up with a game for us and this is the product:
I became a servant because
that's the way I express my love
Because that's what my master does
and it's a way to give back
I make the coffee before the meeting
welcoming volunteers with a greeting
because we have to serve somebody
Money is not the reason we're here
This is what I love to do
Being present to those we serve
Putting actions to our words
I love people, so do you
We serve our community by
reaching our with open hearts
comforting those who need to cry
giving chances for brand new starts
Our BC3 family is
addressing needs of our community
helping hands are from His
you can help us in unity
This is what I love to do
Being present to those we serve
Being present to those we serve
Putting actions to our words
I love people, so do you
Showing our love through many deeds
Hospital, Jail and ministries
CHOW and orchards full of trees
Inspiring growth with dignity
Monday, March 29, 2010
Faith in Action Volunteers Event
5th Annual Dining for Dollars 3/18/10 was another success - proceeds to our program about $6,000. Thanks to the many who participated: 17 clergy servers, the D4D Committee, Sponsors, the prize donors, the Binghamton University Jazz Band, and all who attended. A wonderful dinner and great entertainment. Thank you All.
Press Connects : CHOW competes for free orchard of fruit trees

By William Moyer • • March 28, 2010, 8:20 pm
CHOW is in first place by mere votes in a nationwide contest to win a free orchard of fruit trees that would eventually be harvested to provide fresh food to recipients of the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse of the Broome County Council of Churches.
Late Sunday night, CHOW was four votes ahead of the Parks and Recreation Department in Bloomington, Ind., -- with the tally changing almost by the minute -- in the online "Communities Take Root" contest to win the trees from Edy's Fruit Bars and the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation.
CHOW would like to plant the trees on land in the Town of Conklin where the pantry wants to start a food farm this summer to grow fruits and vegetables, said Edward Blaine, program director.
Conklin officials approved the farm on land leveled of housing after the June 2006 flood. Under terms of federal buyouts, the land cannot be redeveloped with housing or other buildings.
"We have focused on providing more fresh produce to our pantries and soup kitchens," said Blaine. "We are starting a CHOW Farm Project to grown our own fresh produce."
The online voting ends April 30. CHOW must finish among the top five communities to win a fruit orchard either in the current vote tally or monthly tallies through August. CHOW was one of 100 communities across the country selected by Edy's to compete for the free fruit orchards.
The number of free fruit trees to be provided to each winning community wasn't listed on the contest's Web page.CHOW provides food to 30 pantries located in churches throughout Broome County, as well as supplying various ingredients for 35 soup kitchens and community dinners.
Published in the Press & Sun newspaper 3-29-10
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Twitter: CHOW Orchard Grant asked to vote by United Way Broome

Broome County's Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse (CHOW) is now in 2nd place to win a fruit orchard. Your vote...
News Channel 34 on 3-23-10
CHOW Seeking Fruit Orchard
The Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse has an opportunity to get a fruit orchard, but it needs your help. CHOW applied for an orchard grant through the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. And, is the only agency in New York State that has qualified to the final internet voting round in the contest sponsored by Edy's Fruit Bars. The 40 or so apple, pear and peach trees and berry bushes would be planted on a piece of ![]() And, would help stock CHOW's warehouse with food that supplies people with options for healthier diets. Ed Blaine says, "Our push over the last few years has been to provide more fresh produce to our pantries and soup ![]() You can vote online everyday. Voting ends August 31st. Log onto and click on the vote link. About 80 communities are competing for 25 orchards. 5 orchards will be given out a month. Currently, CHOW is in 2nd place. See Video and Article Here |
Twitter: CHOW Orchard

WIVT: CHOW Seeking Fruit Orchard: The Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse has an opportunity to get a fruit orchar...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Twitter: TwitCause
TwitCause Support Dreyer’s/Edy’s planting fruit orchards: Tweet #PlantTrees & $1 will be donated to the Fruit Tree Planting Fndn
Friday, March 19, 2010
United Way Broome County posted for votes for the orchard
UnitedWay Broome Broome County's Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse (CHOW) is currently in 5th place to win a fruit orchard. Your...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
News Channel 34: Festival of Hope

Up To The Minute News
Festival of Hope Concert to Benefit Wheelchair Ramp Program
Last Update: 12:34 pm
From the Broome County Council of Churches:
The second annual "Festival of Hope" concert on May 16th featuring congregational choruses and sponsored by the Broome County Council of Churches will benefit the Council's wheelchair ramp program.
The concert is open to the public and is scheduled for 2:00pm on Sunday, May 16th, at the Conklin Presbyterian Church at 1175 Conklin Road and is expected to feature 10 choruses. For its finale, the choruses will join together and sing the Messiah. No admission will be charged, but there will be a free-will offering with those proceeds used to offset construction material costs of the Council's free "Ramp it Up 2010" wheelchair program. The ramps for thsoe in need will be constructed on summer weekends.
People who have applied for ramps this year are encouraged to attend the concert, as are those who received ramps in 2009. Congreational choruses interested in performing at the concert are asked to call Judy Mica Guerin at the Council of Churches at 724-9130 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:40pm, Monday through Friday, or email at
Festival of Hope Concert to Benefit Wheelchair Ramp Program
Last Update: 12:34 pm
From the Broome County Council of Churches:
The second annual "Festival of Hope" concert on May 16th featuring congregational choruses and sponsored by the Broome County Council of Churches will benefit the Council's wheelchair ramp program.
The concert is open to the public and is scheduled for 2:00pm on Sunday, May 16th, at the Conklin Presbyterian Church at 1175 Conklin Road and is expected to feature 10 choruses. For its finale, the choruses will join together and sing the Messiah. No admission will be charged, but there will be a free-will offering with those proceeds used to offset construction material costs of the Council's free "Ramp it Up 2010" wheelchair program. The ramps for thsoe in need will be constructed on summer weekends.
People who have applied for ramps this year are encouraged to attend the concert, as are those who received ramps in 2009. Congreational choruses interested in performing at the concert are asked to call Judy Mica Guerin at the Council of Churches at 724-9130 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:40pm, Monday through Friday, or email at
Press Release: Festival of Hope
Binghamton, N.Y., March 18, 2010 . . . . .The second annual “Festival of Hope” concert on May 16 featuring congregational choruses and sponsored by the Broome County Council of Churches will benefit the Council’s wheelchair ramp program.
The concert is open to the public and is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 16, at the Conklin Presbyterian Church, 1175 Conklin Road, and is expected to feature 10 choruses. For its finale, the choruses will join together to sing the Messiah. No admission will be charged, but there will be a free-will offering with those proceeds used to offset construction material costs of the Council’s free “Ramp It Up 2010” wheelchair program. The ramps for those in need will be constructed on summer weekends
“Thirteen wheelchair ramps were constructed last summer providing safer access for residents in and out of their homes,” the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sellepack, executive director of the Council of Churches, said. “More than 200 volunteer youth and adult mentors built the ramps—we hope to have as many volunteers, or more this year based on the success of our initial efforts in 2009.”
People who have applied for ramps this year are encouraged to attend the concert, as are those who received ramps in 2009.
Congregational choruses interested in performing at the concert are asked to call Judy Mica Guerin at the Council of Churches at 724-9130 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or email her at
Binghamton, N.Y., March 18, 2010 . . . . .The second annual “Festival of Hope” concert on May 16 featuring congregational choruses and sponsored by the Broome County Council of Churches will benefit the Council’s wheelchair ramp program.
The concert is open to the public and is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 16, at the Conklin Presbyterian Church, 1175 Conklin Road, and is expected to feature 10 choruses. For its finale, the choruses will join together to sing the Messiah. No admission will be charged, but there will be a free-will offering with those proceeds used to offset construction material costs of the Council’s free “Ramp It Up 2010” wheelchair program. The ramps for those in need will be constructed on summer weekends
“Thirteen wheelchair ramps were constructed last summer providing safer access for residents in and out of their homes,” the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sellepack, executive director of the Council of Churches, said. “More than 200 volunteer youth and adult mentors built the ramps—we hope to have as many volunteers, or more this year based on the success of our initial efforts in 2009.”
People who have applied for ramps this year are encouraged to attend the concert, as are those who received ramps in 2009.
Congregational choruses interested in performing at the concert are asked to call Judy Mica Guerin at the Council of Churches at 724-9130 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or email her at
Letter from a Care Receiver
Broome County Council of Churches
3 Otseningo ST
Binghamton, NY 13903
Faith in Action Volunteers
Joanne Kays
My unending gratitude for your volunteer services, especially transportation, to make doctor appointments.
Enclosed please find a $__ check as a small token of appreciation for the Faith in Action Volunteers.
Again, many thanks and God bless!
3 Otseningo ST
Binghamton, NY 13903
Faith in Action Volunteers
Joanne Kays
My unending gratitude for your volunteer services, especially transportation, to make doctor appointments.
Enclosed please find a $__ check as a small token of appreciation for the Faith in Action Volunteers.
Again, many thanks and God bless!
Facebook: Reentry Data for the Jail Ministry
Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program Data has been crunched by one of our volunteers and our MSW intern for our new Reentry Project. The numbers look promising; just over 200 people have sought our services to date, which is just over 3 new intakes a week.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Facebook: Jail Ministry

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program Due to facility scheduling problems on Tuesday our Protestant chaplain and Roman Catholic chaplain combined efforts for a joint service in the therapeutic Housing Unit. It was a wonderful service and certainly worth repeating!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Facebook: Ramp It Up

Broome County Council of Churches Faith in Action Volunteers Program Ramp It Up 2010 plans are moving along well. The community can help support the program. Stay in touch for information on Miniature Golf Tournament date.
Faith in Action Volunteers
Many good things are happening. Dining for Dollars is Thurs 3/18. One hundred seventy five guests will attend, be served and entertained by clergy. The Binghamton University Jazz Band will also entertain and Rev. Andrew Morrison will also belt out a couple of beautiful solos. Ramp It Up 2010 plans are moving along well. We are beginning to plan an inaugeral Miniature Golf Tournament to support Ramp It Up.
Bring Food for CHOW to the Spring Craft Show
Annual craft show scheduled
March 10, 2010, 7:10 am
The fifth annual Springtime Craft Show will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 20 at Binghamton University’s West Gym.
The event will include more than 150 arts and crafts booths. Admission is $3. The Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse will be on hand to accept food donations and raffle off gift baskets to help raise money for its food bank.
Tally ho -- it's census time in Broome
Tally ho -- it's census time in Broome
Within weeks, Americans will be asked 10 questions that could affect almost every aspect of life in some way.
They'll be taking part in the national census, which the U.S. Constitution requires every 10 years. The survey forms will start arriving in homes this week.
In September, Binghamton and the New York Department of State convened a meeting of Binghamton stakeholders to discuss the logistics of Complete Count, a program to build awareness of the 2010 census and encourage response, Ryan said. Participants included Fairview Recovery Services, Broome County Veteran Services, the Family Enrichment Network, the SOS Shelter, the Free Clinic, AVRE, the Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse, Southern Tier Independence Center, NAACP, Opportunities for Broome, Broome County Urban League, Binghamton's school district and Housing Authority, the First Ward Action Council, City Council, Citizen Action, the Southern Tier AIDS Program, the Prison Re-entry Task Force and Hands of Hope Ministries.
To view full article, click here
Monday, March 15, 2010
Twitter: CHOW Orchard Grant
Edy's® Fruit Bars: Where Will You Plant Your Vote?
Vote for our CHOW Farm to win an orchard! You can vote once a day from your computer.
Edy's® Fruit Bars: Where Will You Plant Your Vote?
If need you can go to the site map and choose to search by state.
Edy's® Fruit Bars: Where Will You Plant Your Vote?
If need you can go to the site map and choose to search by state.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Facebook: Jail Ministry Program
Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program Here is a good resource on Jails, community corrections, theraputic housing, faith based partnerships and reentry. Broome County and our services are featured on page 76
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Facebook: Jail Ministry Volunteer

Broome County Council of Churches Jail Ministry Program Here is a very nice article about Rev. Kit White, one of our long time Jail Ministry Volunteers.
'Gospel Time!' did not have an auspicious beginning when it went on the air in 1970, Kit White remembers, with a laugh.
Friday, March 5, 2010
WBNG: St Patrick's Day Parade Preparations
St. Patrick's Day Parade Preparations
Originally printed at
One of the largest St. Patrick's Day Parades in Upstate New York returns to Binghamton streets.
The 43rd annual parade is Saturday, March 6th.
This is video of last years celebration.
Thousands of spectators will line Main Street.
As floats, marching bands, and local police and fire departments make their way down.
At 1:15 pm the Shamrock Fun Run will take place around the parade route.
Which will be followed by a CHOW truck to collect food and cash donations.
"We do not want to forget our heritage and certainly taking care of the CHOW pantries and the other charitable things that AOH does is symbolic of the fact that we have not forgotten," said Parade Grand Marshall Father Laurence Lord.
The City says it will have the same amount of security on staff as last year.
The parade starts at 1:30 pm.
It begins at the Court/Fayette Street intersection and marches to the Main/Arthur Street Intersection.
There is also a post parade party from 2 to 6 pm at the Seton Catholic High School.
The Action News Team will be marching in the Parade and WBNG's own Erik Burling will be emceeing.
Press & Sun Article: St. Patrick's Day Parade 3-5-10
The parade will be preceded by the Shamrock Fun Run, a 1-mile race along the parade route. A CHOW Truck will slowly follow the runners, collecting non-perishable food items and cash donations.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Empire News 2-2-10
Federal grants to protect children from lead paint and other household hazards
NEW YORK – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Monday awarded almost $1 million in grants to two upstate communities and Columbia University to make homes healthier and to protect young children from lead poisoning.
The grants are part of more than $13 million awarded to 25 projects nationwide to conduct a wide range of activities that include eliminating lead and housing-related hazards in thousands of homes; training workers in lead and healthy homes interventions; supporting research to improve home safety efforts; increasing public awareness, and evaluating outreach on controlling housing-based hazards. New York State grantees are listed below.
The Broome County Health Department will be awarded $100,000 in Lead Hazard Control Capacity Building Grant Program funds to expand equal access to affordable healthy housing for local families, provide employment opportunities, enhance the sustainability of the county communities, and improve the quality of life for the citizens of the county.
The Broome County Health Department will be partnering with the City of Binghamton, Town of Union, Broome County Department of Social Services, BCHD Maternal & Child Health, Opportunities for Chenango, Broome-Tioga Workforce, Tioga Opportunities, Broome County Council of Churches, and the Family and Children's Society. Contact: Ms. Sarah Walker, Public Health Educator, Lead Primary Prevention Program Coordinator at (607) 778-2809 or email
The Niagara County Department of Health will be awarded $100,000 in Lead Hazard Control Capacity Building Grant Program funds to develop infrastructure, implement lead hazard control and complete the process of creating lead safe housing. The Niagara County Department of Health will be partnering with the Environmental Education Associates. Contact: Mr. James Devald, Director of Environmental Health at (716) 439-744 or email
Columbia University will be awarded $799,947 in Healthy Homes Technical Studies funds to study household-related injury and illness as it relates to the nation’s growing population of elderly residents. Information on household hazards and their effects on the elderly is very limited. This project is a household hazards assessment and hazards reduction intervention study, using a pre/post-test design.
NEW YORK – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Monday awarded almost $1 million in grants to two upstate communities and Columbia University to make homes healthier and to protect young children from lead poisoning.
The grants are part of more than $13 million awarded to 25 projects nationwide to conduct a wide range of activities that include eliminating lead and housing-related hazards in thousands of homes; training workers in lead and healthy homes interventions; supporting research to improve home safety efforts; increasing public awareness, and evaluating outreach on controlling housing-based hazards. New York State grantees are listed below.
The Broome County Health Department will be awarded $100,000 in Lead Hazard Control Capacity Building Grant Program funds to expand equal access to affordable healthy housing for local families, provide employment opportunities, enhance the sustainability of the county communities, and improve the quality of life for the citizens of the county.
The Broome County Health Department will be partnering with the City of Binghamton, Town of Union, Broome County Department of Social Services, BCHD Maternal & Child Health, Opportunities for Chenango, Broome-Tioga Workforce, Tioga Opportunities, Broome County Council of Churches, and the Family and Children's Society. Contact: Ms. Sarah Walker, Public Health Educator, Lead Primary Prevention Program Coordinator at (607) 778-2809 or email
The Niagara County Department of Health will be awarded $100,000 in Lead Hazard Control Capacity Building Grant Program funds to develop infrastructure, implement lead hazard control and complete the process of creating lead safe housing. The Niagara County Department of Health will be partnering with the Environmental Education Associates. Contact: Mr. James Devald, Director of Environmental Health at (716) 439-744 or email
Columbia University will be awarded $799,947 in Healthy Homes Technical Studies funds to study household-related injury and illness as it relates to the nation’s growing population of elderly residents. Information on household hazards and their effects on the elderly is very limited. This project is a household hazards assessment and hazards reduction intervention study, using a pre/post-test design.
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Blog Archive
- Press & Sun: Festival of Hope
- Press & Sun: CHOW Looking for Chefs
- Facebook and Twitter: CHOW Orchard 3-30-10
- Council Theme Song
- Faith in Action Volunteers Event
- Tweet from binghamtonnews
- Press Connects : CHOW competes for free orchard of...
- Twitter: CHOW Orchard Grant asked to vote by Unit...
- Twitter: CHOW Orchard
- News Channel 34 on 3-23-10
- Twitter: CHOW Orchard
- Twitter: TwitCause
- United Way Broome County posted for votes for the ...
- News Channel 34: Festival of Hope
- Press Release: Festival of Hope
- Letter from a Care Receiver
- Facebook: Reentry Data for the Jail Ministry
- Facebook: Jail Ministry
- Facebook: Ramp It Up
- Faith in Action Volunteers
- Bring Food for CHOW to the Spring Craft Show
- Tally ho -- it's census time in Broome
- Twitter: CHOW Orchard Grant
- Edy's® Fruit Bars: Where Will You Plant Your Vote?
- Facebook: Jail Ministry Program
- New CHOW Farm Logo
- Facebook: Jail Ministry Volunteer
- WBNG: St Patrick's Day Parade Preparations
- Press & Sun Article: St. Patrick's Day Parade 3-5-10
- Empire News 2-2-10