Monday, April 23, 2012

CHOW Orchard Needs Help

(WBNG Binghamton) The CHOW Orchard, which was planted in 2010, needs help.

Due to last year's flooding, eight of the new trees planted at CHOW Orchard have been lost. CHOW (Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse), which is a program of the Broome County Council of Churches, is asking for individuals, families or groups to donated one or more replacement trees.

"We had intended to expand our orchard with new trees each year and this year to add berry bushes. The flood last September has set us back a bit," said CHOW program director Deacon Edward Blaine. "We are looking for people to donate a tree or berry bush and to help us plant it to replace the trees lost and add to our growing orchard."

Anyone interested in donating can call Deacon Blaine at 724-9130.

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